Get Help With Your Bad Breath From Dental Care in Heber Springs

by | Feb 11, 2014 | Dentist

Bad breath, properly named Halitosis, is a condition no one wants to deal with. Many people are not aware they have bad breath, until someone informs them. When your breath problems become severe, it is hard to mask the issue. Most people reach for their toothbrushes, mouth rinses and even gum and mints to try and curb the problem. Unfortunately, this seems to only slightly mask the problem. To find out what is causing your bad breath, you need to seek Dental Care Heber Springs. This will allow the dentist to examine you and find the underlying cause so your bad breath can be a thing of the past.

What are the Typical Causes of Bad Breath?

Smoking — If you are a smoker, chances are you aware of what it does to your oral health. The tar and chemicals in cigarettes cause your teeth to brown and can cause rancid breath. Though they make special smoker’s toothpastes, gum and mints, these do not take care of the problem. To rid yourself of bad breath and your bad habit, you need to work towards quitting smoking.

Foods — Certain foods, like garlic and onions are potent in the smell department. These can affect your breath and cause odors until the food has been thoroughly digested and expelled out of your body. Chewing on fresh parsley after a meal containing pungent ingredients can help to freshen your mouth and lessen your bad breath.

Dryness — Dry mouth will cause people to have bad breath because there is a decreased amount of saliva in the mouth. Saliva washes away the food particles and bacteria in your mouth. In a dry mouth, these hang around much longer and can develop odors.

Infections — Infections in the body, especially in the teeth and gums, can often cause very bad spells of breath problems. If your bad breath seems to have no other cause, have your dentist check you for an oral infection.

Cavities — As your teeth decay and become rotten, this can cause you to have problems with bad breath. Having these teeth filled and caring for the rest of your smile can stop the odors from occurring.

If you are suffering with bad breath and want to learn how the Dental Care Heber Springs can help, contact the office of Jason T Bolding DDS and schedule your appointment today.

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