Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Dental Implants in Pembroke Pines FL

by | Oct 11, 2024 | Dental

More and more people are losing their natural teeth long before they are supposed to. The main causes of early tooth loss are tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma to the face. When you have missing teeth, it becomes difficult to eat, talk and laugh in public. Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. However, lots of people shy away from getting the implants because they do not know everything that they should about getting them. Here are some answers to the frequently asked questions about getting dental implants in Pembroke Pines FL.

What are implants?

Dental implants are simply screws that are made of titanium. They are attached to the jaw. After the screws have settled in the jaw, a stump and crown are added. These three components complete the implant.

Who can get implants?

Anyone that has missing teeth should consider getting implants. However, it is important to get a checkup from a dentist to determine whether one qualifies for the implants. People with weak jawbones will need a bone transplant before implants are installed.

How long does the process take?

The process takes between 4 and six months. This is because, after the initial implantation, the dentist will give you time to allow the implant to get integrated into the mouth. It may take longer in case the jawbones are found weak, and you are found to be in need of a transplant.

What are the benefits of getting implants?

The following are the benefits that you get when you invest in dental implants:

* You can care for the teeth the way you do natural teeth.

* The implants are permanent and strong enough to chew the hard foods comfortably.

* When you replace the missing teeth, you regain your ability to pronounce words coherently and comprehensively.

* The teeth will greatly improve the way you look.

These are just a few answers to the common questions asked about implants. The process of getting implants may seem long and costly, but the result is worth the struggle. If you want your missing teeth replaced, Visit Dental Clinique and more about getting Dental Implants in Pembroke Pines FL.

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