Four Benefits of Wood Burning Stoves in Salt Lake City, UT

by | Feb 9, 2017 | Home And Garden

Since smaller homes usually don’t have wood burning fireplaces, you can have the next best thing installed: a wood stove. A wood burning stove will not only provide heat, but certain models have cooktops on them so you could use them for popping corn or warming a tea kettle. Here are four other benefits of installing a wood burning stove in your home.

Allows for Zone Heating

When a wood burning stove is installed, the room in which it’s placed will be warmer while the rest of the house stays cooler. Zone heating allows you to reduce energy bills because you can reduce the temperature in rooms that are not occupied. Wood burning stoves in Salt Lake City, UT will keep everyone in the family room or living room comfortable while helping to save money.

Inexpensive Heat Source

Wood burning stoves cost less to heat your home per BTU than other fuel sources or electricity. Wood stoves are also as efficient as other heat sources such as gas or oil furnaces. Modern wood stoves are built to be efficient and they are a green heating source as wood is a renewable resource.

Variety of Models

Modern wood stoves are available in a wide variety of styles. You can buy stoves with a traditional look for your cabin in the woods or you will find more modern styles for a house in the city.

Safe for Many Homes

Wood burning stoves can be installed and used in a variety of houses safely. They can be used in cabins, in small houses, and even in mobile homes without being a safety hazard.

It is less expensive to have a wood burning stove professionally installed in your house than having a fireplace added and it will help heat your home efficiently.

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