There are more than 2000 known species and subspecies of fleas, however, one certain species found on cats is the most common kind. These will also attack dogs too if they get the chance. Have you ever wondered how these parasites that tease both dogs and cats live? Learn more about these insects and Flea Control Treatment can help you.
Fleas have four life stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult
Flea eggs hatch alone, setting off a new generation of fleas. A female can lay up to 2,000 eggs in her lifetime, and they hatch within 2 weeks. It is no use just treating your pet because most of them can be in the surrounding environment. The more hot and humid environment, the faster they will multiply.
Fleas need a lot of blood
A flea infestation can cause anemia: They feed on the blood of its host, i.e., wild and domestic animal blood, and sometimes human blood. The female flea consumes 15 times its own weight in blood daily. Fleas can also survive in an environment where there is no food for extended amounts of time). The flea can live more than 100 days without a blood meal. Starving fleas can attack a person if there is no dog or cat around. The origin of the phrase “this place is a flop house” comes from the time when people went to theaters or old buildings that had unhygienic conditions and was bitten by hungry fleas.
Fleas can jump very, very high
A flea can jump up to 8 centimeters in height. It’s like you could jump over buildings with a single leap! Some people find that fleas can come via the wind: despite being very light, it is not possible, though. Fleas are responsible for diseases in dogs and cats as well. Fleas are vectors of a type of worms. In addition, they may be responsible for an allergy where the skin becomes infected and intense itching occurs, known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). Flea Control Treatment is needed well before this stage.
It is not always easy to find fleas on your pet
It is not always easy to find fleas because they can hide very well between hairs. Often, the only clues they leave behind are black dots, which is a waste. Make sure you examine this while brushing your dog or cat. Visit AAA Exterminating to learn more.
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