When it comes down to it, a person who has not been to the dentist in over a year may have a good amount of excuses as to why they have not followed through. While they probably know than they should go to the dentist at least once every six months to get a cleaning, if they have put it off long enough, and you ask them, they have some well thought out excuses as to why. Of course, none of these excuses hold up to common sense. Here are four excuses, and easy ways to refute them:
1.”I Don’t Have The Money”
Even if you don’t have insurance, a trip to the dentist is typically going to cost you under $100 for a simple check-up and cleaning. In addition, the more often you go, the less chance you have of having expensive procedures need to be done. Visit site
2.”I Don’t Have The Time”
If people who are much busier than you can find time to go to the dentist, you can do. An average appointment takes around an hour, if not less. This means that, over the course of a year, you are only going to spend roughly two hours at your dentist. If you can’t find two hours to go to the dentist each year, you have other problems.
3.”I Can’t Find The Right Dentist”
Chances are, you haven’t even looked. Just because you didn’t like one General Dentist does not mean that there aren’t dozens of others out there that you will. Take the time to look for the right Dentist in Clementon; they are out there.
4. “I Don’t Want To Go”
If you don’t’ want to go you are probably scared of the procedures. Of course, once you actually go, you will realize that there is nothing scary about going to a Dentist in Clementon, especially if you find one that you know you can trust.
The best way to find the right Dentist in Clementon for your needs, and to stop using excuses, is to just start looking. Use the Internet as the guide for your search.