Filing An Appeal Through Your Social Security Attorney In Puyallup

by | Nov 20, 2013 | Lawyers & Law Firms

A Social Security attorney in Puyallup assists injury victims with benefit claims. Typically, this occurs after a personal injury case in which the injuries in which the victim suffered are rendered permanent. However, other conditions constitute a reason to file for these benefits. Physical and mental health-related conditions fall within the eligibility guidelines for social security benefits. To file a claim, you should contact your preferred attorney and devise a plan of action.

Filing an Appeal for Social Security Disability Benefits

When your initial disability claim is denied, you have the right to file an appeal through your attorney and schedule a hearing. During this hearing, a judge reviews all documentation presented in both your initial and new claim to determine whether the denial was justified. Within this process you have the right to include medical records from the doctors who are currently treating you for this condition.

After your attorney and the attorney representing the SSA have presented their arguments to the judge, he or she evaluates the case file. If the judge determines that the initial denial was unjustified, he or she determines the length of time in which you were eligible for these benefits. Once this time frame is determined, you will receive a settlement that reflects that amount of time you were eligible yet did not receive disability benefits.

Local Social Security Lawyer

Todd R. Renda, Attorney At Law comprehends the needs of disabled individuals. Through a strategic plan he assists these individuals with filing effective disability claims. If you were denied for these benefits, Mr. Renda reviews your documentation and determines whether more information is required for your claim. He will help you file an appeal and have your cases reviewed by a judge. To schedule an appointment with Todd Renda, you may contact him at the local number listed on his website.

Your Social Security attorney in Puyallup understands the procedures required for filing an appeal for social security benefits. Through this process, you may present new evidence of your medical condition that provides further insight into why you need these benefits. It is possible for you to present documentation from your own doctor instead of those assigned to your case by the SSA. This documentation may become the key element needed to acquire the social security benefits you deserve.

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