In the past, children often went home to an empty house after school and waited for their parents to come home from work. Many spent their time doing homework or chores. Some watched television or played video games. Sometimes these latchkey kids got bored and got into trouble while they were home alone. Today, most young children attend some kind of after school children care in Pittsburgh instead of being home by themselves.
After school programs give kids the opportunity to hang out with their friends in a supervised environment until their parents are available to take them home. Some programs have staff available to help kids with their homework and most have age-appropriate activities that allow kids to relax after a long day at school. Unlike daycare, after school care is not typically an educational program. Staff members understand the children have been learning all day and need the time to unwind after school. They may offer physical activities such as basketball or quiet activities like a small library or video games. Parents who need after school children care in Pittsburgh should visit a few centers before deciding which one is best for their child.
Transportation is an important consideration as well. Parents may want to use a center that provides transportation from the school or one their children can ride their bus to after school. Centers that are close to the child’s school or home are more likely to have other students the child knows and already feels comfortable with. However, there are circumstances where using a center that is closer to the parent’s place of employment is a better option. Parents must consider all of these issues prior to choosing a provider to ensure their child doesn’t have to switch centers later.
Many children today use this type of program for after school supervision and activities when their parents work late. Parents can click here to learn more about the options available to them and schedule an appointment to tour a facility and learn about the things their child might be doing until they get home from school every day.