Expect A Shorter Recovery Period with Laparoscopic Surgery

by | Mar 19, 2014 | Surgery

Between open surgery and laparoscopic surgery in Reading, PA, laparoscopic recovery is considerably shorter. The surgery consists of a series of small incisions in the patient, through one the surgeon inserts a camera with its own light source; the camera displays the surgical site on a magnified external monitor. The surgery is conducted through other incisions using specialty operating instruments. This type of surgery is of benefit to the patient as the recovery time is less and the risk of infection is less as well. Most laparoscopic surgeries are undertaken on an outpatient basis, rarely is there a need for an overnight stay in the medical facility.

During the operation, the area is often expanded by pumping carbon dioxide gas into the surgical site. This enlarges the area, providing space between the muscles and the organs, thus providing the surgeon with a better view of the area which is being operated on. Once the surgery is completed, the carbon dioxide expels itself through the skin, no intervention is necessary although the patient may experience an increase in gas and perhaps gas related pains.

Patients may experience pain but this is pain that is the result of the carbon dioxide that was introduced into the body. As the gas leaves the body naturally it can and will migrate to places and collect. Those patients who undergo abdominal surgery often complain of pain in the shoulder area, this is from the gas. The doctor will advise the application of heat packs and OTC pain relievers and a restriction in movement for a few days.

There are patients who have an aversion to anesthesia, they become nauseous; they vomit and experience excruciating headaches. Although there is medication available to relieve these symptoms, the doctor will normally avoid prescribing these and encourage the patient to just allow his or her body to adjust naturally.

Those that are recovering from laparoscopic surgery in Reading, PA may find that there are bruises left over even though the incisions that were made were quite small. The bruising is the results of muscles that were cut or moved one way or another during surgery. Even though the surgery is carried out high up the abdomen, many patients who undergo abdominal surgery find that their hip bones are bruised. This is nothing to be concerned with; the bruises will disappear on their own in a week or so.

Many basic and advanced procedures can be carried out through laparoscopic surgery and shorter the recovery period.Visit website for more details.

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