Enjoy a Stress-Free Pregnancy with a Doula

by | Sep 1, 2016 | Health & Fitness

Giving birth can be one of the most thrilling and scariest experiences for a soon-to-be-mother. If this is your first time, having help and support is a necessary part of the process. That’s why a lot of pregnant mommies are opting for doula services.


Doula springs from an ancient Greek word that means “woman servant.” These days, though, a doula refers to a professional who assists a mother before, during, and after childbirth. While a doula doesn’t provide medical services, she has extensive knowledge involving childbirth and child care.


There are two types of doula: the labor doula and post-partum doula. A labor doula helps you throughout your pregnancy by offering emotional support and advice right until the child is born. A post-partum doula helps you take care of your baby, while you and your spouse make the transition to becoming first-time parents.


There are plenty of benefits to hiring a doula in NJ. For first-time parents, it can be overwhelming to find out you’re now responsible for a life. A doula can make the pregnancy experience a positive one for you and your spouse, providing you with useful information on how the birth will go and what you need to know to prepare for the baby’s arrival. They can help you create the ideal birth plan or communicate with your clinical care providers. If you have any worries or concerns about childbirth and child-rearing, a doula can readily answer them for you. Having a doula around reduces the overall cesarean rate by as much as 50 percent, American Pregnancy says. It also cuts down on the length of labor by as much as 25 percent and requests for an epidural by 60 percent.


If you want a positive, stress-free pregnancy, get the help that you need. Look for a doula for assistance, comfort, and care.

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