If you have a private well on your property, you should know how the system operates. Most parts last for several years. However, you should familiarize yourself with your well system in case you need to do some troubleshooting.
How a Pump Is Installed
When a well is installed, a water pump is included to lift or push water from beneath the ground and into the home. The pump is positioned beneath the water line inside the well, so it is not affected by drought or the drawdown of water.
A pump and water tank installation in Toms River, NJ is based on the size of a home, peak demands for water, and the types of fixtures. When a regular pump is used, it normally pumps about ten gallons per minute using a one-half horsepower motorized system. Homes that use water for feeding animals or for irrigation may have to install larger pumps.
When a pump and water tank installation is made, most pumps are normally submersible pumps. However, some jet pumps are installed above ground and are designed for wells that are shallow and small. Wells this small usually measure no more than four inches wide.
How the Water Circulates
As water circulates from the pump and into the water tank installation, the tank’s air pressure compresses until it meets a set level, normally around 50 pounds per square inch (psi). When someone turns on a faucet, the tank propels the water through the pipes until the pressure falls to a set pressure of about 35 psi. As the pressure drops, the pump switches on and water is directed into the tank and house. After the faucet is shut off, the pressure in the tank builds until it returns to the shut-off level once again.
Where to Obtain Details Online
You can learn more how this type of system works by visiting
You can learn all the details you need by speaking to a professional plumbing representative.