Enacting Elder Law in Annapolis MD Grandparent Visititation Rights in the Narrow Maryland Law

by | Jul 1, 2015 | Attorneys

Grandparents have visitation rights in Maryland, but they are notoriously slim. It is not common for a grandparent to take advantage of the Elder Law in Annapolis MD when it comes to regularly seeing a grandchild. Fortunately, there are a few unique situations where it is possible. If a grandparent can fit the mold and build a case, they can take advantage of Maryland elder visitation law that is famously narrow, but certainly possible.

The Two Visitation Standards

Maryland state law really requires two things from a grandparent. Firstly, they have to display evidence and support that one or both parents are unable to be quality parents. They must display some type of unfitness, and the most empirical evidence they can supply, the better the case.

The second consideration at play is evidence that the consistent of the grandparent will be valuable to the child’s well-being. This must go deeper than the basic fact that this is a grandparent. For example, it can contribute to the case if the grandparent has taken care of the child for extended periods of time. Another example is if the child at any point lived at the grandparents (or if the parent held an address at the grandparent’s home). All of this can help substantiate a case.

The Realistic and the Preferred

Elder Law in Annapolis MD may not always expect visitation to go through. Professionals are adept at finding evidence and building a case if it is in the interest of the child. The age of the child has little to do with it. The grandparents must reassure all involved parties that they are uniformly relevant beyond being a part-time caretaker. It can be a hard pill to swallow, but it could be a wonderful accomplishment in the right situation.

The right Maryland lawyer would be able to build a fair case. Consider the above to schedule a consultation, and see if your family is the exception to the rule. Thankfully, the exception is even available in Maryland. As long as that is the case, certain grandparents and families should and will continue to fight for a child. You can visit website domain or their Facebook page for more information.

The Must List

