As strange as it may seem, there are people who own motor vehicles and think they have no need for car insurance in Rockford. Along with causing legal issues in general, the lack of coverage can create a number of other obstacles. Here are some reasons why maintaining at least a minimum amount of auto insurance matters.
Liability Coverage
At a minimum, Illinois law requires drivers to maintain liability coverage. Even if the car owner has a spotless record, all it takes is one accident to change everything. Thanks to a momentary distraction, the driver doesn’t notice that the light has changed and ends up rolling in the line of traffic. The result is a fair amount of damage to another vehicle, and a couple of people who end up in the emergency room.
Without the minimum amount of car insurance in Rockford, there will be a lot of problems that could take years to settle. Along with the medical expenses of those injured parties, the money to repair the other vehicles will have to come from somewhere. That doesn’t even begin to touch on the cost of repairing the responsible party’s vehicle or dealing with the legalities of driving without having coverage.
Taking Trips
For car owners who take trips out of town, there is often the idea that it’s easy enough to rent vehicles and take out the insurance coverage offered through the car agency. That approach doesn’t come cheap. In fact, if the individual rents vehicles at least once a month, the cost of that agency provided insurance can be expensive. Compare that to the coverage provided by a personal auto insurance policy coupled with the coverage the credit card company provides when the rental charges are billed to that card. The combined coverage will be better in most cases, and certainly less costly.
Finding a good reason to not have car insurance is harder than identifying all the reasons to maintain coverage. For anyone who needs insurance now, check out this site and arrange to talk with an Insured ASAP Insurance Agency agent as soon as possible. Doing so will mean the resources are there for just about any issue that could arise.