Domestic Violence Attorneys in Lititz, PA Can Help You Obtain the Protection You Need

by | Apr 27, 2018 | Law Services

Abusive relationships can have devastating emotional and physical consequences. Escaping these types of relationships might feel impossible without the help of domestic violence attorneys in Lititz, PA. A domestic violence attorney can help victims obtain a protection order that will direct the abuser to stop their abusive and harassing behavior.

Protection orders are available for an individual who is being abused by a husband, wife, domestic partner, immediate family member, former spouse, former or current romantic relationship, and parents of a child. The abuser does not have to be currently living in the same home with the person they are abusing.

It’s Just an Argument

Although a couple might have an occasional argument, domestic violence goes well beyond a small disagreement. Domestic violence can be a physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of another individual, and is a form of control an abuser will use over their victim.

Domestic abuse is when an abuser knowingly and intentionally causes bodily injury or fear of bodily injury to another individual. Although this might sound like assault, domestic violence is a separate charge from aggravated assault or battery.

How Can a Protection From Abuse Order Help?

A Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) is issued by a court and can be enforced by contacting the police. An abuser could be prohibited from contacting the victim by telephone, email, through a third party, or any other forms of communication. The abuser could be evicted from the residence they shared with their victim.

The abuser will not be able to come within a certain distance of their victim. There are many protections that a PFA can provide a victim. If the abuser violates the order, the victim can immediately contact that police and have the abuser arrested and put in jail.

Domestic violence attorneys in Lititz, PA can help a victim through this difficult and frightening situation. An abusive relationship can be detrimental to the victim as well as any children who witness the abuse. A PFA provides an added layer of protection to remove yourself from an abusive situation.

If you want a new beginning and end the abuse you are experiencing, please contact the Law Office of Melissa R. Montgomery. They have years of experience helping victims of abuse.

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