Do You Need A Lawyer When Claiming Disability Benefits?

by | Jan 15, 2018 | Law Services

Those who have a disability and are unable to work often find themselves in financial difficulties. They reach a point where every penny counts. It is understandable that disability claimants in this situation are more likely to go it alone when claiming benefits, thinking it to be impossible to afford the luxury of hiring a Social Security lawyer in Chicago.

It does not matter as much at the initial claim stage, with or without a lawyer, the majority of claims are denied. It is when the claim reaches the appeals stage that a knowledgeable Social Security lawyer can make a world of difference. Don’t be concerned about facing legal fees. If your lawyer fails to get your benefits, you have nothing to pay, and when he or she wins your case, the legal fees are paid directly to the lawyer from your initial back-pay. There is not a good reason why you should have to face a complex appeals process alone.

A Social Security lawyer in Chicago will guarantee that your case will be developed in such a way that your case has the best chance of being successful.

Developing the case:

Preparing to defend your case in front of an administrative law judge is certainly more difficult than preparing the initial claim. A seasoned Social Security lawyer knows the rules and regulations that govern disability cases, and in many cases, they are familiar with the judges in the area. Based on experience, they know what the judges will be looking for when deciding the outcome of a case.

There is always a chance that a claimant that elects to go-it-alone will win, but the odds of winning are far better when your case is developed and presented by a skilled lawyer. When you consider that the legal fee will be taken from your initial award, it makes a great deal of sense to hire a Social Security lawyer.

A Social Security lawyer in Chicago can help you win your disability appeal. For a free evaluation of your case, contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd.

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