Jacksonville, Florida is the most populated city in the state and it continues to grow at an amazing pace. At present there are many new and exciting opportunities for the person who wishes to invest in and develop land in Northern Florida. However, developing land can be expensive and it must be done properly if you want to get the most from your investment. This is why you need a trusted land developer Jacksonville. So how do you choose a good developer? Here are some important questions to ask the developer before you decide to do business.
What are Your Qualifications?
An impressive degree may look very good hanging on a wall, but a qualified land developer in Jacksonville should be able to tell you about past work. For example, if you are thinking about a new apartment complex, you should look for a company which has done this type of work before. A company experienced with apartment development has all the necessary equipment to handle the job of properly preparing your new apartment site.
How Much Will Your Services Cost?
Although you may not be able to get an exact figure, and experienced land developer can give you an excellent idea of the approximate cost. Don’t be afraid to get more than one estimate. This is the best way to know if someone is being unreasonable or not.
If one developer gives you a much higher estimate, don’t just walk away. Ask him why his estimate is so much higher than the others. There may be very good reason for the additional costs, as the others may be leaving something out.
How Long Will it Take You to Complete the Job?
Don’t forget to request a time frame when you get price quotes for your project. After all, timing is an essential element you need to include. For example, a lower estimate may not be worth it if you must wait far too long for completion.
What about Bonding?
If you have a large or extensive development project, you should consider asking the land developer in Jacksonville about performance bonds. This is the best way to ensure your contractor will be able to finish the job once started. Otherwise, you could end up with a partially finished development and a construction crew ready to go to work. This can cost you an enormous amount of money and could result in financial ruin.