Americans who are too sick to work have very few options. Once they have used up their sick leave and vacation time, they are often left without a job or health insurance. If their condition is expected to last less than a year, then they are expected to provide for themselves. However, if their illness is expect to continue for over a year, they may apply for Social Security disability benefits. Most people who apply are denied coverage. Applicants increase their chances of winning benefits by hiring a social security attorney In Schaumburg to help them with their application.
It’s not enough for a sick person’s doctor to say that they are disabled and can’t work. An employee for the Social Security Administration will review the case. They are responsible for determining whether a person is disabled. This is a long and complicated process. The standard that they will be using is whether the person is no longer able to do the work they were doing prior to an accident or illness. The applicant will be required to fill out a lengthy questionnaire.
That questions will require the applicant to describe the work that they did for 15 years in exacting detail. They will cover the jobs and tasks assigned to the worker, the hours work, and pay received. It’s also necessary to describe the machines and equipment used, and how much the person was required to lift. They also have to describe how much sitting, standing, crouching, crawling and balancing was required. Very subjective matters, such as the amount of judgment used, also have to be described in detail. Then the applicant has to describe how their performance has changed. They have to enumerate the fact that they take more frequent breaks than are allowed, had to have coworkers help them, or had to call out sick often. Failure to answer any question properly could result in a denial.
A social security attorney In Schaumburg knows the best way to answer these questions and the right adjectives to use. Based on years of experience filling out applications, they know how much information is required. They also know how to document that the Social Security employee receives the information, so they can’t claim it wasn’t provided. Claims can be denied because of this as well.