Different Types Of Harassment That Can Happen In The Workplace

by | Nov 26, 2012 | Law Services

Harassment in the workplace in Springfield, MA is a matter that any employer or employee should take seriously. There are many types of harassment that can take place in any working environment. This kind of torment can lead to hostile, uncomfortable, and sometimes harmful working conditions for the employees involved and affected. The following are a few different types of harassment that you may want to watch for and report, helping make your surroundings a more pleasant place to conduct business.

Sexual harassment in the workplace in Springfield, MA is one of the more commonly known types of torment that can go on in a place of business. There are many ways an individual can be sexually harassed at work. One of those ways is through telling inappropriate jokes that make others uncomfortable. Another example is, if you are propositioned for physical acts in order to get a raise, keep your job, a promotion, and much more. When someone is a victim of sexual torment in the job field it can leave them feeling depressed, and worry about keeping their job.

Next, there is racial harassment in the workplace in Springfield, MA. Being harassed about your national origin, the color of your skin, or any type of racial comments made toward you can be illegal. Just like being sexually harassed, racial harassment can lead to hostile and uncomfortable working conditions. If someone persistently makes comments about race to you or another employee, you should report the incidences, just as you would with any other type of harassment that takes place in your place of business.

When it comes to reporting harassment in the workplace in Springfield, MA you should not have to feel like your job is going to be threatened. Knowing your employers policy on this type of behavior can give you the tools you need to protect yourself. If your employer is the person conducting the torment you may want to consider seeking out an employee in human resources or contact a lawyer. The longer you wait to report incidences of being harassed, the more hostile and abusive the situation may become. Making a stand against this type of torment may also give others the strength to report inappropriate behaviors that they have experienced as well.

If you or a co-worker is a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace in Springfield, MA, get in touch with sexual harassment lawyers at the Law Offices of Michael O. Shea. They will provide you with an aggressive legal representation.

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