Differences between a Lubricated and a Non-Lubricated Compressor

by | Oct 7, 2022 | Pump Manufacturers

Air compressors come in a lot of ranges to meet the varied demands of industries. When deciding on the choice of compressor, one needs to choose between lubricated and non-lubricated compressors. A non-lubricated compressor works using the rotary or the piston element without the hassle of lubrication problems. The compression element is coated with a pre-lubricating thing such as Teflon. There are some non-lubricated compressors that sometimes use water instead of oil so that the cooling and the lubrication process happen easily. These materials that come as alternatives not only protect the pump but also allow the mechanism to run smoothly without requiring any synthetic lubrication.

While the basic difference between the two types of compressors is simply the absence or the presence of oil, lubricated compressors need more maintenance. This causes inconvenience in busy factories. A non-lubricated compressor runs for a long time. In an industry where there needs to be maintained the purity of air, non-lubricated compressors are good to go. Pharmaceutical industries, electronics industries or food-processing factories mostly function with non-lubricated compressors as they are of great convenience. However, a non-lubricated compressor makes a lot of noise while operating. Therefore, industries that require a calm and silent environment cannot afford to work with a non-lubricated compressor.

There are a variety of non-lubricated compressors – from piston compressors to rotary scroll compressors to lobe compressors to screw compressors. According to what you need, consult with a reputable company to understand if you will work better with a non-lubricated compressor or a lubricated one. A non-lubricated compressor is a perfect solution for meeting air purity standards and where air applications are given priority. A 100% dry impurity-free air supply can be made possible with the installation of various non-lubricated compressor technologies. Choose according to your industry’s needs.

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