Car insurance can get expensive, making it hard to afford to own and drive a vehicle. However, getting into an accident without the proper Automobile Insurance in Fort Myers can be even more costly. Understanding just how much insurance you need can help you keep the costs in check at least a little bit.
Double Check State Laws
Each state has different laws regarding the minimum amounts and types of auto insurance you need. All require at least liability insurance except for New Hampshire. This is the bare minimum you should purchase, but sometimes you should get more insurance to avoid a potentially catastrophic hit to your finances should you get into an accident.
Get Enough Liability Insurance
The amount of liability insurance you should get, if you can afford the premiums, should cover the amount of assets you have so nobody can sue you and take your home and assets in the case of an accident that’s your fault. Liability insurance is usually divided into three parts: the total coverage for injuries per person, the total for injuries per accident and the total for property damage. Some experts recommend the middle number be the same as your net worth (or the maximum if you have a very high net worth).
Don’t Limit Yourself to Liability Insurance
While liability insurance may be the most required in some states, you should get other types of Automobile Insurance in Fort Myers. Liability only covers damage to other people and their property, not damage to your property and injuries to family members.
Personal injury protection insurance covers the treatment for you and your passengers, and uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage helps cover damages if the other driver doesn’t have sufficient insurance. Some people opt for medical payments coverage instead of personal injury protection, but this insurance doesn’t cover lost wages and tends to have lower limits, making it less useful.
Other Types of Insurance
People with more assets to lose may want to consider umbrella insurance if their insurance company limits liability insurance to an amount lower than their net worth. Collision insurance covers repairs to your car, and comprehensive insurance covers damage to your car not caused by an accident or if your car is stolen.
Contact Lee County Insurance Agency for Auto & Home Insurance Quotes. The experts can help with all of your insurance needs.