Dental Implants and Your Dentist in Mankato, MN

by | Feb 27, 2014 | Dentistry

Dental implants are meant to replace one or more teeth, restoring functional and aestethics to the patient. Note, the term “implant” does not necessarily mean a new tooth. An implant is a titanium bolt that is placed into the jaw bone, accommodating a crown, bridge or removable denture. New teeth are then formed by artificial roots, the dental implant, and a crown (or prosthesis bridge or removable). One can see a Dentist in Mankato, MN for a crown, bridge or denture without having a dental implant placed.

Where possible, implants are the best solution dentists have because it allows for a fixed prosthesis to be placed. It is a comfortable, attractive solution that preserves the jawbone at the missing tooth. To date, there have been no known documented allergies to titanium. Placement of implants are most often done after a tooth extraction and after healing of the bone. Your local Dentist in Mankato, MN will determine when the time is right for placement.

Under local anesthesia, your surgeon incises the gum, which develops housing in the bone using small drills, forming a shelter. Intervention may seem impressive, but it is now very well controlled by professionals. After 2-6 months of healing (fosterage), the gum is opened again in order to place a prosthesis on the implantSometimes, the surgeon may leave the head of the implant during the patient’s healing time in order to avoid the gums re-opening a second time during the implantation of the prosthesis. In many cases, your Dentist in Mankato, MN may place a temporary prosthesis after surgery.

The installation of a dental implant can be done either in a dental office or in a specific surgical room in a hospital. It all depends on the surgeon and whether they have the equipment and technology available to perform the procedure. There are contra-indications to receiving an implant. They consist of:

* Transplantation;

* Immune deficiencies;

* Poorly controlled diabetes;

* Lack of bone;

* Cardiac valvulopathy;

* Bleeding risks;

* Bone diseases; and

* Poor oral hygiene.

Smoking is not considered a contra-indication, although it does delay the healing process and increases the risk of losing the implant. To learn more about this procedure, an any others, contact your local Dentist in Mankato, MN today.

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