Dental Care Through a Veterinary Hospital in Richmond TX

by | Aug 17, 2015 | Veterinarians

Brushing your pet’s teeth should be done at least once a week. The bristles of the brush should be smooth, with rounded ends, straight and arranged in multiple groups. The size of the brush head needs to be in line with the size of the dog. Owners should never use human toothpaste, something of which provokes digestive problems because of excess fluorine, salt or bicarbonate. The high content of fluoride toothpaste for people can be toxic to the animal, as it can cause an abnormally abundant salivation, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. If there are any questions or concerns, it is vital you contact the local Veterinary Hospital Richmond TX.

All this explains why it is very important that the products you use for oral and dental hygiene are specific to your pet. There is a huge amount of dental hygiene items on the market for animals, from special brushes that massage the gums to chicken-flavored toothpaste. Opt for dry food instead of feeding the pet canned food. The action of chewing means the animal rubs the feed against their teeth and gums, something of which helps to prevent the formation of tartar and plaque. But this gesture is not, of course, a substitute for good oral hygiene.

The owner may also want to look at other specific products for pet oral hygiene. In the case of some canines, there are snacks shaped like bones or toys made of natural rubber or nylon, both of which are perfect when trying to clean the dog’s teeth and, at the same time, they massage the gums while offering the animal a pleasant taste. These small items can also be used as prizes, which supplement other goodies that help create tartar on the teeth. You can also ask a Veterinary Hospital Richmond TX for some hints and suggestions.

Check your pet’s teeth once a week and, every six months, make a visit to the vet for further exploration. Brush its teeth with a specific brush made for pets. Never use human toothpaste as it can be toxic to dogs. Small breeds are more prone to developing tartar and plaque. Choosing to go with a dry diet contributes to optimal dental health maintenance. There are specific products to fight tartar, like snacks or rubber or nylon toys. Visit Website to learn more.

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