Considerations Regarding Septic Pumping in Bremerton Wa When Planning Landscaping

by | May 13, 2019 | Septic Tanks

Some men and women who buy rural residential property and completely inexperienced with this way of life. They haven’t lived in a home with a well and septic tank before, and aren’t knowledgeable about how to maintain these systems. Septic Pumping in Bremerton Wa will be necessary occasionally to empty the tank and to allow the technicians to inspect the container and the attached pipes.

Managing the System From Inside

Technicians from a company such as Northwest Septic can provide advice on how to manage the system from inside. That includes not flushing anything except toilet paper and organic waste. Harsh chemical toilet cleaners should be avoided.

Location of the Equipment

The property owners need to learn precisely where the septic tank and drain field are located. They can find this out from the real estate agent or the previous owners. When technicians arrive to do Septic Pumping in Bremerton Wa, they need to dig until they reach the tank. They don’t want to waste time and energy digging all around one part of a yard in the effort to find the container.

Activities to Avoid

Without knowing where the tank and leach field are, the property owners might build structures and yard features over the equipment. If they pour a patio or build a deck over the tank, the technicians can’t reach it for pumping and inspection.

The drain field is located some distance from the house. The land above the field cannot used for parking or driving, and it cannot be paved. The soil needs to allow percolation of waste liquid sent to the field from the tank. Compacting the soil by putting substantial weight on top will damage the field. Repairing a leach field can be a very expensive project. In addition, if the property owners had paved over it, that pavement would need to be removed.

Normal Use of the Land

It’s OK to treat the land normally in other ways. Grass can be planted over the system, and flowers can be planted near these areas. It’s all right to add a clothesline over the drain field because walking on it does not compact the soil a great deal.

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