Are you suffering from depression, schizophrenia, PTSD, or any other kind of disability that’s hindering you from working? Well, if so, then you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. However, before you start receiving these benefits, you need to figure out how to work with the complex Social Security systems. While many people tend to give up along the way, hiring a qualified disability attorney in Greensboro can help you access the Social Security benefits you are entitled to. However, before you sign the agreement with the attorney, you may want to ask the following questions to ascertain their credibility and professionalism in handling your case:
- Have You Ever Handled Similar Cases Before?
The first thing you would want to test is whether the lawyer has similar experience handling cases like yours. If the attorney agrees to have handled similar cases, you may want to know how many. And what was the outcome? Note that the more experienced the attorney is, the more chances they will build a strong case for you.
- Do You Have Special Training on Disability Law?
Disability cases are always complex and demanding in nature. Therefore, instead of hiring a general legal attorney, it’s advisable that you go for a lawyer with special training. You may consider a disability attorney in Greensboro who is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representative (NOSSCR).
- Where Are Your Offices Located?
Disability cases do differ from one state to the other. Therefore, it is always preferred to hire an attorney who is well versant with the regulations of your state. Also, hiring a lawyer outside your state makes communication tough. On many occasions, you will be communicating remotely and only meet face to face during the case hearing.
If you are looking for a disability attorney in Greensboro, then please take your time and visit Business Name as they have team that stands by your side till the end of the process.