Common Electrical Repair Mistakes

by | Dec 12, 2012 | Electricians

Electrical Repairs Austin TX

Fixing up our homes can be a very gratifying experience. Not only can it save money, but the challenge of tackling a project and seeing the final result is a proud moment for all do-it-yourselfer’s. However, making mistakes can be not only costly but dangerous. When it comes to mistakes caused by common electrical repairs in Austin TX, there are several steps you can take to avoid a short circuit, a shock, even a fire.

Avoid connecting wires outside of an electrical box

Electrical boxes, or junction boxes, are designed to protect the connecting wires from accidental damage as well as containing any sparking or heat from a loose connection. It is very important to make sure when you are connecting a series of wire to do so within the confines of a junction box.

Do not cut wires too short

The minimum length to leave wires protruding from the outlet box is 3 inches. Anything less and you run the risk of the wires being difficult to connect and more dangerous, considering the connection you make will most likely be poor.

Keep cables in plastic sheathing protected

When plastic-sheathed cable is left exposed between framing, damage to them can happen easily. Electrical code requires such cable be safely protected when run through or around framing members.

Poor supports for switches and outlets

More than just looking unprofessional, loose switches and outlets are dangerous. When outlets are allowed to be moved around, the wires connected to them can loosen from their terminals. This friction causes overheating, can arc and even create a potential fire hazard.

Incorrect installation of three-sot receptacle without a ground wire

Do not be tempted to simply replace a two-slot outlet with a three-slot outlet just so you can use three-prong plugs. You need to make sure there is a ground available, and using a grounding tester can help determine this. Lights on the tester will indicate whether or not the outlet is wired correctly. You can find these testers at hardware stores and stores offering electrical repairs in Austin TX .

Before you start work on any electrical repairs in Austin TX, make sure you have turned the power off to the area in which you plan to work. The safest way is to shut the power off to the whole house via the main circuit breaker, but if that is not feasible, you can isolate which circuit breaker is tied to the room or portion of the home you are working. Test to make sure the electricity is off in your work area before you start.

A final tip is to contact a professional who specializes in electrical repairs in Austin TX. Electricians can offer you advice and safety tips to make sure all of your electrical repairs in Austin TX go safely and smoothly.

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