Choices for an Overhead Door in St. Louis, MO

by | Mar 14, 2014 | Business

Many homes and buildings have at least one overhead door in St. Louis, MO. In homes, the garage door is the usual example. While garage doors can open to the side, the side-opening version is very rare in comparison to the overhead type. That is because the overhead type is drawn along the ceiling when opened, which gives the user access to the full area of the opening. A side-opening door, on the other hand, usually slides in front of a stationary section. This leaves the user with access to only half of the potential space at any one time.

Just like commercial overhead doors, it is typical for residential garage doors to be opened and closed with the help of a machine. This is true whether the door is made of vinyl, fiberglass, metal, or wood. Door openers are more necessary when the doors are made of heavy materials like metal or wood, but they’re still popular when paired with lighter substances. Convenience is usually the prime driver for getting a garage door opener. Not many people want to have to get out of their cars in the rain to manually open or close the door.

A Commercial Overhead Door in St. Louis, MO may work like a bigger version of a household garage door, but in some cases, they use different principles to achieve their top-opening capabilities. A roll-up door, for example, is made from multiple thin strips of metal. These strips are thin enough to allow the door to literally roll up when it is opened. The end result looks like a garage opening with a big roll of metal paper towel at the top. When these doors are closed, however, any resemblance to paper towels disappears. They form strong, sturdy doors that can take a surprising amount of abuse.

Some commercial overhead doors use glass to combine the visibility of windows with the functionality of paneled garage doors. This style is typically used at auto shops because they allow people to see if another car is already in a bay that they are considering driving into. It also increases safety when it comes to taking cars out of the shop. Combined with a well-placed wide-angle mirror, a clear overhead garage door offers good visibility of the cars outside and any oncoming traffic. Visit Website

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