Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

by | Sep 7, 2013 | Dental

If you experience extreme pain while eating cold foods, you have sensitive teeth. There are several different causes of sensitive teeth, which are explained here.

Brushing to Hard

Brushing too hard or having bristles that are too stiff can be a cause of tooth sensitivity. Scrubbing too hard can wear down your teeth over a period of time leaving your nerves exposed. When you expose these nerves to extreme hot or cold that is when pain due to tooth sensitivity arises. You can resolve this issue by getting a toothbrush that has softer bristles and by brushing more gently. When you visit a General Dentist office, the staff can show you the proper way to brush to avoid this problem.

Acidic Foods

The foods that you eat affect your tooth sensitivity. Any foods high in acid such as tomato sauce will cause pain when eating them. Other foods such as pickles and grapefruit will also affect your teeth. The simple solution to this problem is to just stop eating foods that hurt your teeth.

Excessive Plaque

After eating, flossing and brushing your teeth will remove plaque that builds up from food. Neglecting to floss or brush will lead to a significant build-up of plaque on your teeth. This build up will also cause the enamel of your teeth to begin disappearing, which will leave your teeth exposed. This will lead to high sensitivity to hot and cold food. Routine cleaning visits to your dentist is a great way to combat plaque buildup. Also brushing and flossing regularly will help in maintaining great oral health.

Mouthwash and Toothpaste

Some additives added to whitening toothpastes are a major cause of teeth sensitivity. Also different mouthwashes add chemicals will contribute to the enamel of your teeth being eaten away. The best way to combat this is to change the brand of toothpaste and mouthwash that you use. Try using a fluoride type of mouthwash, which is much better for your teeth.

If the sensitivity continues for extended periods of time, you should consult your dentist. It may be necessary for a Dentist in Glendora to apply a fluoride gel to the sensitive areas. The gel application helps to strengthen the enamel of your teeth, which will help to minimize the sensitivity. An office visit is the best way to get to the cause of your tooth sensitivity.

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