Following a car accident the first question you are likely to be asked by law enforcement officers who respond to the scene, family, friends, and any medical personnel is “Are you okay?” However, sometimes a wreck can so shake up a driver that the answer to such a question is not immediately known. In other instances, the symptoms from an injury can develop over time such that even when a driver has claimed to be “fine” right after a wreck, weeks later, things are not so fine after all. That is why no one should ever settle with the insurance company after a wreck without first consulting with a lawyer in the Tacoma area who can help to determine if any undiagnosed injuries exist.
One example of an injury that may not present itself right at the scene of the car accident is reflex sympathetic disorder or RSD. RSD is sometimes referred to by doctors as CRPS or complex regional pain syndrome. Regardless of what it is called, RSD causes extreme and constant pain for the victim and is caused by a misfiring of the nerves within the nervous system.
RSD can go misdiagnosed, even after several doctor’s visits, but if you are experiencing unexplained pain or difficulties following your wreck, your car accident lawyer in Tacoma can insist that appropriate diagnostic testing be performed so that you can get an accurate diagnosis and the medical care that you need to recover from your car accident injury.
RSD victims can easily become frustrated because it seems as though no one believes their claims of pain, despite the unrelenting pain they are experiencing. Having an experienced car accident lawyer from Tacoma at your side who will advocate on your behalf will not only help you to get the medical care you need, but it will also help in knowing that someone believes you and wants to help relieve you of the extreme pain with which you have been struggling.
If you have been in a car accident and develop symptoms in the weeks to follow, do not discount the notion that your symptoms could be related to the wreck. Contact a lawyer in Tacoma who can help you to get the tests performed that can confirm if you sustained a heretofore undiagnosed or unnoticed injury in the car accident. Dealing with incapacitating pain is frustrating enough, but to deal with it and not know the cause, or worse yet, to have medical professionals, insurance companies, and even family and friends doubting your claims. Your car accident lawyer in Tacoma will help to establish your credibility and to get you the compensation you deserve.
Car Accident Lawyer Tacoma – Sadler Law Firm understands the stresses that injury victims face following a car accident. If you are facing difficulties in getting the compensation to which you are entitled, an injury lawyer with Sadler Law in Tacoma can provide you with the legal counsel you need to understand your options and to get the justice that you deserve.