Cam Couplings Safety Measures

by | Feb 11, 2014 | Business

Used in industrial settings, cam couplings have to have safety measures in place to ensure that they do not come apart at the wrong time.  One of those safety modifications includes the fact that the halves, the female cam and male groove, cannot come apart or be separated as long as the liquid within the pipes is pressurized.  This is a protective measure that does not interfere with the various vendor locks.  The dangers of pressurized fluid coming off the hose are obvious and it can get even worse if the fluid happens to be compressible such as compressed gas or steam.

This is especially so because the cam and groove can be sent flying with a lot of energy and would easily cause significant damage to property or injury to a person.  Part of the safety modifications made to these couplings include one that allows for venting so that the compressed energy can be released safely in a contained manner.  This way there will be no injury to people in the vicinity or any damage to the property.  In addition, now it has been made so that the arms of the couplings do not come down to lock unless the cam and groove are properly aligned.

The modifications in the cam couplings have been made to both mating halves. There are two safety pockets that have been added to the female cam, as well as two removal slots, also known as installation slots.  The pockets are at a 45 degree angle from each of the removal slots.  They are used as a landing to ensure that the installation has fully happened and as a catch to ensure that the two parts are not released accidentally causing an accident.  The male groove has also been modified so that it can now receive 2 shoulder bolts.

If for some reason there is an accidental release initiated in the pipes when the fluid is still pressurized, the head of the shoulder bolt will immediately slide into the corresponding removal slot so that the release is stopped.  In addition, the safety pocket will interfere with the rotation of the male groove which is also an added measure to stop the two parts from separating while the pressure is high.  However, they allow venting to happen by separating slightly so that the pressure can be reduced.  Once it is low enough and it is safe, the two halves can then be disconnected and separated.

In any industrial environment, the safety of workers and property is important.  Cam couplings have several safety measures that ensure that this is maintained and upheld.

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