When you are starting to look for used cars to buy, you probably have gone through all of the research. You might have even contacted a local dealership near Mokena to set up a test drive. Here’s some information about buying used cars and what you should do before signing on the dotted line:
Test Drive and Inspect
It is very important to test drive and inspect any used car that you are buying. Ideally, you are going to have this vehicle at your disposal for many years, so it’s imperative that it is in good working order. When you test drive, you should try to drive the vehicle on different services, and, if possible, drive it both on city streets and the highway.
You should also consider the following when you are test driving a car:
- Do you feel good when you drive it?
- Does it feel okay when driving on a bumpy road?
- Does the car accelerate well?
- Is the suspension comfortable?
- Does the car tend to pull to one side or another, or does the alignment seem good?
- Is there enough headroom and legroom for you and your passengers?
When it comes to the inspection of the car, if you don’t have a lot of mechanic experience, consider taking someone with you who does. You should also ask the dealership for service records. This should give you the history of all maintenance that the car has gone through as well as a list of owners and any accidents that the car has been in. Buying a used car that has been in a minor accident usually isn’t an issue, but if you notice that it has been in a major accident, and been repaired, you might want to think twice.
Ready to shop for used cars? Contact Hawk Volkswagen of Joliet near Mokena. You can learn more at the dealership’s website at www.website.com. Like us on our facebook page.