Brilliant Reasons to Improve Your Smile With Veneers From Chicago

by | May 13, 2024 | Dentist

Veneers are permanent porcelain or composite resin materials designed to enhance your smile. Supporters view veneers as a painless path to a straighter, whiter smile. Naysayers view veneers as a way of covering up the problem instead of fixing it directly. You can’t please everyone, but you can get veneers in Chicago for the right reasons. For example, veneers are for people who cannot correct their mouth with Invisalign or braces.

Other scenarios where veneers are the best solution for your smile are:

  • Low maintenance
  • Dissatisfied with gaps
  • Stubborn tooth discoloration and stains
  • Crooked teeth stemming from genetics, disease, and immune deficiencies
  • Broken, chipped, or worn-down teeth in need of repair

While patients should choose the best outcome, the dentist cannot tell them what to do. That said, there are terrible reasons to get veneers. Veneers work better on adult teeth than developing teeth, so they should never be in a child’s mouth. Teens may still be in development, and even if their adult teeth are present, they may not be of age. Veneers may not be suitable for you if you have tooth sensitivity or bad habits like ice chewing, nail biting, or teeth grinding. Patients with a history of gum disease, weakened enamel, or a severe dental condition must pass on veneers as well.

When you contact a Chicago dentist, you receive someone with decades of experience in the industry. This person should know veneers inside and out. After an evaluation of your smile, the dentist should discuss the veneer procedure, oral health maintenance, and the risks involved with you. Regular checkups will ensure your veneer smile lasts for many years. Contact Art of Modern Dentistry for more information about veneers in Chicago.

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