Brake Services in Forest Lake MN Are Essential for Keeping Vehicles Safe

by | Nov 8, 2017 | Auto Repair

Automotive brake services in Forest Lake MN are essential for keeping vehicles safe. The braking system is one of the most important safety features of vehicles, in addition to providing the convenience of being able to stop at will whenever the driver wants to.

Ignoring Symptoms

If somebody does a bit of research on common causes of vehicle collisions, it will probably be startling to discover just how many are caused by faulty brakes. Sometimes the problem is essentially the owner’s fault, as the brakes have been showing symptoms of wear and trouble for quite some time. If the owner ignores squealing and grinding noises, or a brake pedal that pulses or vibrates instead of gripping, an accident may eventually occur because the equipment doesn’t work properly.

Anti-Lock Brake System Issues

Brakes that lose the anti-lock feature still work normally until the driver hits a patch of snow or a slippery stretch of wet pavement. Then, pushing the pedal down firmly causes the vehicle to skid. It’s easy to lose control of a skidding car or pickup truck. A light on the dashboard alerts the owner when the anti-lock function has quit working. It stays on until the brakes are repaired. Brake Services in Forest Lake MN can resolve this problem and make the car safe for wet roads and winter driving once again.

Ignoring Recalls

Sometimes recalls are issued for brake problems; anti-lock braking issues are just one example. If the person ignores the recall notice because the brakes currently work fine, that can cause much bigger complications in the future. Recall work is done for free at garages such as American Imports, which are reimbursed by the manufacturer.

Sudden Brake Failure

In other cases, the trouble occurs without any previous warning signs. Master cylinders can fail abruptly. Old, brittle fluid hoses can break, leaking all the hydraulic fluid into the street as the driver moves along, unaware of any issues until applying the brake pedal. These are relatively rare episodes, but they also are scary and dangerous moments that can easily cause rear-end collisions at red lights and stop signs.

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