Benefits of Teeth Whitening Pocono

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Dentistry

Teeth Whitening Procedure in Pocono has become an extremely popular procedure that is used to help you teeth appear brighter and whiter, as well as more attractive. The bleaching process can be used to help and whiten any discolored or stained teeth, or simply to help enhance a smile that is dull.

No matter what your specific need is, the tooth whitening process is a safe, as well as a relatively pain free procedure, that is an ideal option for the majority of patients. There are typically two options when it comes to professional whitening: tray whitening or an in office whitening procedure.

If you are seeking immediate results, then in-office whitening services are ideal for you. The process will take place in an office and last approximately one hour, which makes it the perfect option for individuals that are especially busy. During the process a protective gel is placed over your gums in order to protect the softer tissue. Then a special type of gel, which is light activated, is applied to the teeth and then enhanced by a special light, which is what actually makes your teeth appear brighter and whiter. The last step of the process is to create custom impressions of a patient’s teeth in order to make specialized trays for touch ups at home. Your dentist will provide you with instructions on how to keep your smile looking great.

However, there is also a less expensive whitening option, which uses trays. These are created for use in your home. The first step is to take an impression of your teeth and mouth in order to create a clear tray that will be worn for a period of 30 to 60 minutes, twice daily. While these results are not as immediate as the results that are achieved in the dentist office, they still offer significant results for your smile.

If you are interested in Teeth Whitening Pocono, you should contact your dentist for more information. You can achieve a brighter and whiter smile with little effort and for an affordable price. You can easily achieve a brighter and whiter smile when you use professional tooth whitening products.

Click here for more information.

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