Benefits of Junk Car Recycling in Rochester, MN

by | Feb 24, 2014 | Recycling Center

If you or someone you know owns an old car that no longer works, it is probably just sitting somewhere on your property collecting dust and rusting away. Instead of watching your old vehicle deteriorate right before your eyes, think about offering it up for recycling. Along with removing what is sure to be a unattractive eyesore, recycling your vehicle has additional benefits for you and the world at large. Consider the following benefits of junk car recycling in Rochester, MN.

Getting cash for your car

The biggest benefit an individual receives from recycling a junk car is getting paid cash for the vehicle. Depending on the value of your car, a salvage yard will usually pay you anywhere from one hundred to a few hundred dollars to take the vehicle off your hands. The great part about this is that you do not even have to worry about how to get the vehicle from your location to the salvage yard. After you complete the sale, the salvage yard typically sends a wrecker to pick up the car and transports it to their location free of any cost to you.

Helping the environment

Another very important benefit of recycling your junk car is how helpful it is to the environment. The metal used to make cars can be recycled and repurposed into another usable form. Studies show that approximately 95 percent of every car manufactured is recyclable, and every car that is recycled is another that does not end up in a landfill. Recycling junk cars also facilitates the proper disposal of the hazardous fluids in the vehicle by the salvage yard or recycling plant.

Another way in which junk car recycling helps the environment is that other vehicle owners looking for parts can purchase the used part from a recycled vehicle, which means less of these parts end up in landfills. This also reduces the need for manufacturing as many new parts, which cuts down on pollution from factory production.

These are a few of the biggest benefits you receive from junk car recycling in Rochester, MN. If you want to recycle an old vehicle in your posession, contact a reputable recycling company today to arrange pick up as soon as possible.

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