Those who are getting ready for a residential or commercial move should take every precaution to ensure that their belongings are protected every step of the way. This is particularly true of furniture, which can wind up becoming scraped or scratched on its way to its new home if adequate precautions are not taken. Often the easiest way to prevent damage is to look into shrink wrapping services in Fort Myers FL that specialize in preparing furniture and other potentially fragile items for moves.
Protection from Damage
Even a small amount of shifting during a move can wind up leaving furniture damaged due to rubbing and chafing, and shrink wrap is really the only way to prevent these types of damage. It doesn’t eliminate the need for other packaging materials. Rather, it works in conjunction with them to hold them in place and ensure that no scrapes and scratches appear on furniture when it reaches its new destination.
Keep Out Moisture
There are few factors that will destroy upholstered furniture, electronics, and other moisture-sensitive items quicker than the intrusion of water into packed goods. Shrink wrapping can help to prevent the accumulation of moisture, though it’s important to entrust the packaging of moisture-sensitive belongings to shrink wrapping services in Fort Myers FL that know how to properly vent it to avoid the accumulation of mold and mildew. Small holes must be added in carefully-chosen locations that will not wind up compromising the integrity of the wrap, so it’s best to leave this process to professionals.
Prevent the Transportation of Bugs
If a home has previously been infested with bedbugs, fleas, or other pests, it’s even more important to shrink wrap furniture before it is moved. This can help to prevent bugs from hitching a ride to new homes, as the plastic can suffocate any insects that are present on the furniture. Those who have a legitimate reason to be concerned about a bug infestation may want to have their furnishings shrink wrapped prior to their moves and leave them out in the sun for a while, as the heat can also kill off these pests.
Get Help Now
Need to find a moving and packing service that can shrink wrap your furnishings or other belongings? Click here to learn more about one company that can help today.