Africanized honey bees, more commonly known as killer bees, are a very real problem in the American Southwest, including Arizona. These swarms of aggressive insects have earned a well-deserved reputation of severely injuring or killing animals and people who disturb their colonies. Unlike their benign European honeybee cousins, Africanized honey bees become agitated and attack perceived intruders when only slightly provoked. It’s highly recommended that you call in a pest control expert such as Cummings Termite and Pest Control if you require Bee Removal in Tempe rather than trying to do it yourself.
You may be very familiar with the outdoor habitats an Africanized honey bee colony, such as tree cavities, overturned flower pots or yard debris. These insects also like to take up residence in the interior walls of your home. They are looking for a source of water and a good food supply. If they can find an opening through which to enter your home, they will. Once inside your walls, even minor vibrations will disturb them enough to make them search for the intruder. If you see signs of honey bees in your home, they must be removed immediately.
Cummings Termite and Pest Control will work with you to identify the type of bee on your property. The colony may be made up of European honey bees who just want to make honey. However, even these bees get upset if you take steps to disturb their home. It’s almost impossible to tell from a glance whether the bees are docile or aggressive. An experienced pest control technician knows how to safely ID them.
Removal may consist of killing the bees if the hive is large, or removing a smaller hive to a better location. It’s important that the entire hive be removed so that the colony doesn’t send bees back to it or other bees don’t move in. A pest control technician may discover older hives, particularly in the walls of your home, that must be removed to prevent the hive from becoming active again.
Removing bees from your property isn’t just a safety issues. Honey and beeswax in your home’s walls can damage walls due to their weight and can stain certain wall materials. The presence of bees can attract other pests you don’t want living in your home. Call Cummings Termite and Pest Control as soon as you realize you need Bee Removal in Tempe.