Basic Steps Taken in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

by | Aug 12, 2015 | Law Services

People may end up filing a personal injury lawsuit for a variety of reasons. Medical malpractice, car accidents, product liability, and dog bites are all common types of personal injury cases. These cases involve a person being injured because of the negligence of another person. When this happens, the negligent person is responsible for financially covering the other person’s injuries. Most of the time, it’s not that easy to get the money they’re entitled to.

If a person is injured and the responsible party refuses to cover the damages, the first thing the person should do is hire a lawyer to represent them. After all, they aren’t going to be able to go to court against the insurance company’s lawyers on their own. The lawyer is going to look at the injuries suffered and the bills that resulted from the accident to determine how much money they are entitled to.
The next step usually involves negotiating with the insurance company. In many cases, this is the last step because the in insurance company is going to agree to the negotiations and give the person the full amount they’re asking for. However, when they refuse to settle for a reasonable amount the attorney will move onto the next step.

This involves taking the insurance company to court. When this happens, the case will be presented to a judge and both sides will have a chance to explain their own beliefs of the case. The person’s lawyer will explain why they’re entitled to the money and the insurance company will explain why they refuse to pay out. A judge is going to make the final decision in the case. This is usually the end, but the person or the insurance company can appeal the case in certain circumstances.

These are the basic steps to a personal injury lawsuit, but every case is going to work a little differently. If you’ve been injured and you’re having difficulty getting the compensation you’re entitled to, you may want to hire a lawyer for help.

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