Are You Looking for a Jewish Preschool in Bethesda, MD?

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Education

The experiences you have as a young child form your impressions of what is safe or comfortable as an adult. So, if you want your child to become familiarized with Jewish rituals, you need to find a learning and play environment that encourages the idea of community.

Increased Self-Confidence

When parents are active in synagogue activities as well as in their children’s preschool in Bethesda, MD, they can create a stronger parental and spiritual bond. This form of child development is encouraged as it leads to increased self-confidence and the understanding of values.

By the time they are ready to enter kindergarten, children who have attended preschool can already enunciate certain words as well as count, read, and perform advanced tasks such as measuring, pouring, or cutting. If they follow a Jewish-based curriculum, they are also accustomed to saying and singing Hebrew prayers and songs.

Where to Find Out More Information

Adding this additional tier of education, especially when it is faith-based, enables a small child to learn about his or her heritage as well as advance academically. Browse site platforms that feature early childhood activities so you can see the merits of this form of early learning and development.

Emotionally Content

Indeed, enrolling your child in a Jewish preschool can greatly benefit him or her as it also makes it possible for him or her to face certain challenges. In fact, one study showed that children who were familiar with their family histories were better able to meet certain goals. Not only that, a child who is familiar with his or her family history has the greatest chance of being emotionally content, according to studies.

Safe and Secure

Needless to say, enrolling your child in a Jewish preschool will give him or her a clear sense of his or her identity. By taking part in his or her religious community, he or she can more readily overcome difficulties as well as celebrate life. This type of connection is important for a child to feel safe and secure.

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