Animal Cattle Service in Folsom CA Provides Essential Supplies

by | Feb 23, 2016 | Convenience Stores

Raising cattle is becoming popular today among families that want to provide their own dairy or meat products, whether it’s for costs savings or for environmental and food safety reasons. Providing for cattle can be daunting, however, for someone who isn’t familiar with their feed and corral needs. For the beginning cattle rancher, both the individual cattle owner as well as the small rancher, a knowledgeable supplier is essential.

Pasture land of some kind is essential for cattle as they get the majority of the nutrients they need from good grass and hay. In particular, timothy grass, orchard grass and fescue are the best kinds of grasses to supply for cattle grazing, whether they’re beef or dairy herds. High-quality hay is necessary as well for extra feeding during the warm months and as the dietary staple when the growing season is over. Supplemental grains, such as corn silage, cracked corn, soybean meal or barley are recommended for cows that are gestating or lactating. A proper diet provides the necessary nutrients to keep the cattle healthy and thriving while pregnant and lactating.

Animal Cattle Service in Folsom CA offers the necessary grass seed as well as prepared hay and supplemental grains for cows and calves. Starter feeds blended to help calves get the right start toward growing into healthy cattle is available, as are feeds dedicated to giving the calves the growth they need as they mature. Heifer development feed and cattle finisher products that give the final boost of nutrition to get cattle ready for market or home consumption are also available.

Small ranchers and home individual cow owners need fencing supplies. As any experienced rancher will tell you, cows wander. To keep a herd safe and contained, even if it consists of just a handful of cows, fencing is essential. Ranchers and cattle owners can find the necessary fencing, posts and concrete to construct pens and grazing areas for their herds. Gates and corral panels are types of fencing materials that help ranchers easily move livestock from one area to another. When cattle aren’t in pasture, feeders, troughs and bedding must be provided. Lees Feed And Western Store offers an important Animal Cattle Service in Folsom CA that ranchers and cattle raisers will appreciate.

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