The theory known as victim precipitation is a controversial one, but sometimes an assault attorney in San Antonio may use this in a client’s defense. Essentially, the theory holds that sometimes a victim provokes a person into committing a crime like assault, rape or even homicide. Attorneys must be extremely cautious not to be seen as blaming the victim when trying the case before a jury.
An assault attorney in San Antonio may be trying a case in which the client seriously injured another individual. The situation becomes more complex when that individual had initiated the physical conflict. The reaction may be presented as self-defense, although that can be difficult to prove.
Defending Another Person
Another example would be a person who assaulted someone who was threatening a vulnerable loved one. This could have involved a large, strong man threatening a woman or a child. Especially if any physical altercation occurred, the subsequent assault may be viewed as a reasonable defense of the weaker person.
Other Strategies in Controversial Cases
The trial strategy of victim precipitation has become very taboo in the realm of rape charges. This was a more common technique used years ago, but today’s lawyers look for other ways to effectively show the client is not guilty. Emphasizing a lack of evidence and a delay in reporting the alleged crime are examples.
A person who has been charged with a violent crime feels scared and overwhelmed. Skilled defense can be provided by the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez.