Studies and anecdotal evidence show that pets play an important role in the lives of millions of Americans. Many people see their pets as a full member of their families. If you own a beloved cat, dog, guinea pig, rabbit or even a pot-bellied pig, you want to make sure that he gets the kind of medical care he needs just as your family members do. Windsor Animal Clinic, a Pet Hospital in Windsor Locks, CT, can provide diagnoses and care your pet needs.
You likely visit your doctor at least once a year for an annual checkup. Your pet should have the same annual checkup with a veterinarian. Wellness exams for a pet are very similar to the exam you get from your doctor. A vet will check your dog’s hearing and vision, his heart rate and lungs, joints and movements. Urine and stool samples are an excellent way to determine whether parasites are harming your dog or cat. A wellness examination goes a long way toward identifying potential problems early. It also helps your pet become familiar with the veterinarian and his staff. When he later needs to be seen because of illness or injury, the stress of visiting an unfamiliar place won’t add to the pain he’s experiencing.
In addition to wellness checks, pets must receive immunizations on a regular basis. Most states require dogs and cats to get an annual rabies vaccination. Experts recommend that all dogs be vaccinated against canine parvovirus and distemper, while vaccinations against Leptospira bacteria and similar types of illnesses should be given if it’s determined that your dog has come in contact with the illness or is expected to in the future. In addition to rabies vaccines, cats should receive feline distemper and feline herpes virus vaccines. A feline leukemia vaccine can be given if your cat comes in contact with the disease.
Microchipping is an essential part of your pet’s care too. Even if your cat is an indoor only cat, or your dog never goes out unless he’s on a leash, circumstances can arise that lead to him becoming lost. You’d do everything you could to find a lost family member; a microchip implanted under your pet’s skin can help you locate him much more easily. A Pet Hospital in Windsor Locks, CT can easily implant a microchip, assuring you that your pet can’t become permanently lost.