Whether you live in the Midwest or live in a hurricane belt, you will find that wind-load garage doors are the ideal garage door solution. The doors, which feature secure steel hinge designs, are made to resist the force of the wind and provide stability during these types of weather events.
The is why technicians who provide a garage door repair service in Iowa City, IA recommend the use of wind-load garage doors for their customers. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), wind speed maps are available for various areas in the US.
Windborne Debris and Impact-Resistant Glass
If you add windows to doors, they do not have any effect on the door’s strength unless you are located in an area that is prone to windborne debris. In this instance, the windows for the door must include impact-resistant glass. This fact is supported by technicians who specialize in garage door repair service and maintenance.
Make Sure You Choose a Door That Is Secure
If you have a door that is not impact-resistant, a heavy wind can cause the barrier to buckle or force it out of its track. In turn, you would have to call a garage door repair service and installation company to replace the door. Many times, debris that is carried by high-speed winds becomes dangerous projectiles, items that can compromise the integrity of any garage door design.
Indeed, wind pressure can do some serious damage to a door that is not secured. That is why it is crucial that you install a garage door that meets the environmental criteria for your locale. Otherwise, you will be wasting your money.
To learn more about wind-load designed doors and other types of garage doors, contact a company such as Raynor Door of Cedar Rapids. The more you know about a garage door’s construction, the better buying decision you will make.