A Family Dental Practice in Gilbert, AZ Can Make Teeth Healthy and Attractive

by | Oct 15, 2013 | Dental

It’s important for a person’s health to keep their teeth and gums in good shape. It’s also important for a person’s self-esteem that their teeth look good as well. A Family Dental Gilbert AZ can help with both of these objectives. The best way to keep teeth and gums healthy is to have them cleaned every six months. The dental hygienist will scrape away any plague and tartar on the teeth. Then she’ll deep clean at the gumline. When she’s done the dentist will examine the patient’s mouth. This should prevent most major dental problems and catch most issues quite early.

It’s also an opportunity for the patient to discuss any issues that are bothering them with a dentist at Sossaman Dental Health and Implant Center. The relaxed atmosphere helps make patients comfortable and express their concerns. A person’s teeth can be healthy, but be unattractive. If they’ve recently lost a tooth in an accident, they might feel embarrassed by the gap in their smile. The dentist at the family dental Gilbert AZ practice can explain how a dental implant works and why it’s the perfect solution. A titanium implant is inserted into the jaw to take the place of the natural tooth root. The procedure is conducted with the use of a powerful anesthetic so the patient feels no pain during the procedure. It takes six to eight weeks for the jaw to fully incorporate the implant. Once that is complete, the implant is just as strong as the original dental root. A porcelain crown is then cemented on to it. When the procedure is complete no one will notice that it’s not a natural tooth. The patient can care for it as they would any other tooth. With proper care, it should last at at least 20 years.

Some patients have to have all of their teeth replaced with a full set of dentures. Dental implants can play a role in this process as well. Several implants are inserted into the jaw bone. They are topped off with small metal balls instead of crowns. The dentures have a slot that matches the location of the implants. In the morning the denture wearer takes their clean dentures and snaps them in place. This guarantees that the dentures won’t sleep when a person eats or talks. The patient can visit www.sossamandentalhealth.com to learn more about the procedure.

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