Though more fathers than ever have full time custody, mothers remain in the vast majority when it comes to having custody of the children. If the mother of your children was given custody, you will have to accept that child support payments are going to be a part of your life from now on.
It can be difficult to send money week after week and not know how the money is being spent, but it is something you are legally obligated to do. The money that you send helps your children live better lives, so be sure to keep that in mind.
If you are feelings overwhelmed about the amount you have to pay because it strains you financially, think about consulting with a Child Support Lawyer Dallas and have them review your child support payments. It is important to pay child support, but it is also important that is a fair amount that is reasonable for you to pay.
Make sure you continue to make your child support payments, no matter what the situation. There may be arguments between you and the mother but don’t let any of it get in the way of your responsibility to your children. If she refuses to let you see your children, be sure to speak to you Child Support Lawyer Dallas immediately.
If you do fall behind on your payments, keep paying what you can and in the meantime, work with your lawyer to petition the court to lower your payments. This may be necessary if something happens, such as you becoming ill or getting your hours cut. You will have to be able to prove that your income has been substantially lowered for the court to consider your request.
At Lee Law Firm Dallas, you can get the help and support you need to make sure that the child support agreement is something that is fair to everyone. Being willing to help support your children is the most important thing, but you have to be able to support and take care of yourself so that you can continue taking care of your children as well. Be sure to speak to your attorney and remember that non-custodial fathers have rights, too.