Crime is described as any unlawful act that is punishable by law. Some crimes are federal and some are local. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding a crime in Wichita, the accused person needs a good criminal lawyer in Wichita KS to defend them. Anyone accused and arrested for a crime will need a defense lawyer to fight for their rights whether they are innocent or guilty. If you have been accused and arrested for a crime, whether you did it or not, these are some of the things you can expect from an attorney.
Undivided Attention
While your lawyer is sitting with you, you have an ear to listen to you. One of the first things a lawyer does is ask you to tell them what happened in your own words. Be honest and tell your lawyer everything you can remember about the circumstances. While you have the lawyer’s undivided attention it is important to tell the whole story from the beginning. The lawyer has to know what happened from you as well as look at the police reports and surrounding circumstances before he or she can represent you effectively.
Negotiating a Plea
One of the tactics used by attorneys in many cases is the plea bargain. A plea bargain can sometimes seem like you are selling yourself out when you are innocent, but it is a very effective legal tactic that helps reduce or eliminate the charges that have been brought against you. You cannot negotiate a plea bargain without an attorney since prosecuting attorneys do not negotiate plea bargains with those who defend themselves.
Gather Information
One of the key elements of defending a person accused of a crime is to have all the information available in order to provide a quality defense. Lawyers and their staff members do a lot of research and information gathering during the process before the trial and in many cases they continue during the trial. They are always looking for ways to help their clients.
These are only three of the things you can expect from your Criminal Lawyer in Wichita, KS. They also make sure you know what is going on throughout the process and fight for your rights the whole time. Only lawyers have the knowledge of the law and how to navigate through it to help you. The Rocky Wiechman Law firm can help you with quality representation.