Carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness, tingling and pain in the hands or fingers. The condition usually affects the middle, thumb, ring or index fingers. Patients also may experience weakness and loss of sensation in the hands. Acupuncture in Hawaii is a natural remedy providing relief for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
This condition can occur for a variety of reasons. The main causes are improper positioning of the hand and repetitive use of the finger and hand. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligaments and bones located on the underside of the wrist. A nerve known as the median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel and can become compressed. This can result in pain or limited function in the hand. Other causes are diabetes, arthritis, hypothyroidism, obesity and pregnancy. Portner Orthopedic Rehabilitation Center can help with determining the cause by performing a comprehensive history and physical exam.
Many patients with this condition choose to take a natural approach like Acupuncture treatment at Portner Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Hawaii instead of using conventional medication. Acupuncture involves inserting needles at specific points into the body. The body has energy pathways known as meridians. When the pathways become blocked, the body can experience pain. The procedure improves the flow of energy and releases the block pathways. The theory is that acupuncture releases the natural pain-relieving chemicals to heal the body, balances the nervous system and aids circulation in the body.
Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome involves placing the needles in the points located in the hands, thumb, arm, wrist and other parts of the body. Patients are usually prescribed a number of sessions. The amount of sessions depend on a number of factors, such as the intensity of the pain, how long you had the condition, overall health and how often you use the hands and arms. This form of treatment works in conjunction with massage therapy, physical therapy and medication to heal the body. Many people are looking for a solution because of having limitations with working and living a normal life. Acupuncture in Hawaii provides options for people who want to become pain free.