Hiring an Attorney for Criminal Defense in Wichita KS

by | Jan 10, 2014 | Law Services

Assault is one of the most common criminal charges; in some jurisdictions it is considered a misdemeanor, but in others it is considered a felony. Assault is defined as an unlawful act that causes bodily harm, or the communication of a threat that causes a reasonable person to fear injury.

If You’re Ever Accused of Assault

Those facing assault charges should keep these things in mind:

* Do not talk to police without your attorney being present. Law enforcement officials will promise that you’ll be released immediately, that they will be lenient, and some will claim that you’ve been clearly identified as the offender. Authorities take these measures to try to elicit a confession, but you shouldn’t talk to anyone (not even another inmate) unless you’ve spoken to a lawyer that handles

* Criminal defense Wichita KS

* An assault charge can be filed without touching the victim. For instance, if you are holding a baseball bat and threaten someone with it (and they have a fear that you will cause them harm), you have committed the crime of assault.

* Using a firearm can enhance your charges. In almost all jurisdictions, using a firearm when committing an assault means that you will get a mandatory minimum sentence with no chance of parole.

* There are different degrees of assault. In most states, there are three assault degrees. A fourth degree assault means that you’ve frightened someone, and it is usually considered a misdemeanor. Second degree assaults mean actual injury and/or the use of a weapon, and first degree assaults mean that the harm was intentional or that you caused severe injury.

Misdemeanors are less severe, but a felony conviction can have serious, lifelong consequences. Those with felony convictions often have difficulty finding employment, getting and keeping professional licenses, passports and insurance. If you are not a legal citizen of the United States, a felony conviction can put your immigration status in jeopardy. All assault charges are serious, and a Criminal defense Wichita KS lawyer can help you explore all of your legal options, while coming up with the best defense possible.

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