Discovering What Foods in South Carolina Are Not Good for Arthritis

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Pain Control Clinic

Though there are several effective arthritis pain treatments you can try, a vital part of managing arthritis is paying more attention to your diet. Please continue reading below to learn what foods are not good for it.

High Sodium Foods

When considering what foods are not good for arthritis pain treatment in Summerville, SC, you should know about high-sodium foods. These can cause water retention, an accumulation of excess fluid in your body. This extra weight can disturb your joints and promote increased swelling and pain. Prevent this by limiting the processed meats, salty snacks, and canned soups you consume.

Nightshade Vegetables

You may think all vegetables are the same, but they actually get placed in distinct categories. Produce like potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes are considered nightshade vegetables and can increase the arthritis pain you feel. Because they contain solanine, you can have an increased leakiness within your intestines and indirectly boost inflammation in the body.


You may often hear that people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity must refrain from eating gluten-rich foods. However, they should get avoided when considering what foods are not good for arthritis pain treatment in Summerville, SC. Foods like rye, barley, and wheat can trigger swelling and cause you to feel more pain.

Foods you should eat with arthritis include fatty fish, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, olive oil, berries, turmeric, green tea, and ginger. Learn more by speaking to the skilled team with QC Kinetix (Summerville).

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