Three Signs the Car You Want in Illinois Is a Lemon

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Law

If you have purchased a new car that keeps having mechanical issues, you may have a lemon on your hand. Contact an Illinois Lemon Law attorney if you do. Most cars can be classified as a lemon if an issue is so bad that it still has problems after fixing the same thing four times. Here are some clear signs that your new or used vehicle is a lemon.

  1. Repairs Don’t Fix the Problems – If you take your vehicle in over and over again for the same problem and it still doesn’t work after it’s been fixed, it’s time to contact an Illinois Lemon Law attorney for help. Dealers may not acknowledge that it’s their job to handle this lemon and may try to shift the blame onto you.
  2. Steering – One of the first things that starts to wear down on a car with mechanical issues is the steering. There are a variety of issues that can cause the alignment to have issues. This is a sign that the car may have more wear and tear than the seller let on. Be sure to pay attention to the steering during the test drive.
  3. Recalls – Recalls are something the seller may leave out when you are checking out their vehicle. Be sure the check with the NTSA to see if there are any active recalls on the car you are interested in.

These are three clear signs your car may be a lemon. If you are having issues resolving an issue with a lemon, call Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® for help today. You can learn more by visiting their website.

The Must List

