Custom designed heating elements can help control temperatures in various environments. To generate heat, heating elements use electrical resistance. By running a current through a resistive wire, heat emanates from the device. This makes them useful in situations where temperature control is essential.
Foil Laminated Heating Elements
Compared to many options, foil heaters tend to be more affordable. Switching from a fiberglass heater could reduce electricity use by up to 40%. So, they’re great if you’re trying to cut back on utilities. Each heating element has a powerful adhesive attached, connecting it to the foil. This establishes a long-lasting heat transfer system, designed for efficiency.
Open Coil Heating Elements
Without a cover, heating elements produce radiant heat. Using specific alloys makes it possible to control their heat production profile, too. They’re available on ceramic or mica forms. If you get one of them, they typically include several resistance coils. They’ve designed them using coils as large as 40 gauge, enhancing heat production. Once they’re powered on, they can reach temperatures up to 2190°F.
Fiberglass Insulated Flexible Heating Elements
Looking at them, it’s easy to tell why they’ve earned the nickname ropes. A fiberglass heating element has flexible housing, making them incredibly versatile. Plus, the helically-wrapped resistance wire tends to last quite a while. You can use them in nearly any application, too. They’re still operational when the temperature has dropped down to -112°F.