Should You Go for Furnace Installation or Repair in Cleveland Oh?

by | Mar 8, 2021 | Heating and Air Conditioning, HVAC Contractors

A furnace can run well for decades with basic maintenance and a few repairs. Even though these repairs are very cheap compared to buying a new furnace, there is a point at which a full examination of all of the factors involved will show that it’s actually better to buy a new one. That’s because a decades-old furnace isn’t nearly as efficient as a modern replacement would be. Therefore, there is a hidden cost to keeping a very old unit running: high fuel bills.

With equipment as durable as a furnace, it’s important to define “old.” A 5-year-old furnace is actually new in terms of its total possible lifespan. Therefore, it’s unlikely to be worth it to upgrade for efficiency’s sake for a long time. A 20-year-old furnace, on the other hand, is almost certainly wasting fuel in comparison to today’s models. It’s a good idea to run the numbers on a unit of this age. Therefore, the 20-year-old one qualifies as old. A 40-year-old one is most definitely far less efficient than a new one, and the difference will almost certainly make it worth it to get another.

Because of this factor, you’ll want to ask the technician about options for both repairs and upgrades if you have to call for furnace installation in Cleveland Oh for an older unit. Of course, if your house has dropped to 30 degrees, you’ll probably want the technician to get it working right away no matter what you choose to do in the end. Even so, having the company send a sales rep around later could save you money.

If your furnace is fairly new when you call a company that does furnace install in Cleveland Oh, there’s no need to find out about newer models. In that case, stick to having the repair done. Be sure to ask about any recommended standard maintenance, such as tune-ups, while the repair person is there. You can ensure that your modern furnace stays as efficient as it is meant to be for as long as possible by having these maintenance procedures done on a regular basis. For more information, visit A New Image Heating & Cooling.

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